Selasa, 11 Januari 2011


Language : Indonesia - SNA 13 PURWOKERTO  2010
Pages : 28 Halaman
Release Date : 2010

Harga : Rp. 20.000,- (softcopy CD) - Belum Ongkir

Akhir-akhir ini topik mengenai Corporate Social Responsibility (selanjutnya disingkat CSR) banyak di bahas. Perusahaan di dunia maupun di Indonesia juga semakin banyak yang mengklaim bahwa mereka telah melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosialnya. Bagaimana kaitannya dengan kinerja perusahaan??

Kartika Hendra Titisari 
Eko Suwardi 
Doddy Setiawan 

This research investigates the effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the firm performance. We analyse CSR based on the parameters: community, environment and employment and we use CAR as proxy of firm performance. Samples of this research consist of 32 annual reports of the companies which vulnerable to environment and joined the Company’s Environmental Performance Rating Program of the Ministry of Environment from 2005 to 2006. The results of the descriptive statistics show that there is an increase in the CSR index trend; if seen from its parameters, the CSR activities are much more done in the field of environment and community. Based on the correlation analysis, the variables of environment and community have a positive correlation with CAR; this indicates that information regarded by the investors to have effect on the corporate performances. On the other hand employment has a negative correlation with CAR, because this information is thought by the investors to be the corporate expenditures, which causes the damage of value in the stockholders. But, using regression analysis we do not find significant impact of CSR as well as community and environmental on the stock return. On the other hand, we find significant effect of employment on the stock return.

 Keyword : CSR, environment, community, employment, stock return, firm performance 

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